Games of Daze
Infomagic - Games of Daze (Summer 1995) (Disc 1 of 2).iso
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Pascal/Delphi Source File
544 lines
The following two Turbo Pascal programs were written by Teuvo Kohonen
from Finland and were distributed at the First International Conference
on Neural Networks in San Diego, June 1987.
program ToPreM1 (output) ;
{ Demonstration program of Topology Preserving Mappings:
linear topology, input and weight vectors two-dimensional
Copyright (c) Teuvo Kohonen, June 1987 }
iMax = 35 ; {number of units minus one in the array}
jMax = 1 ; {two-dimensional input and weight vectors}
A0 = 0.3 ; {initializing value for the forgetting constant}
G = 0.2 ; {adjusting parameter for the width of the initial value for the
DensityFunctions = (Square, triangle, cross, lettera, letterk, lettery) ;
{area options where input vectors will be uniformly distributed}
Tk : integer ; {number of time instances or steps elapsed since the
beginning of the process}
A : real ; {the alpha function a=a(Tk) is A piecewise linearly decreasing
function of Tk}
T1 : integer ; {T1 is the end of the initial time interval during which
a(Tk) decreases linearly ; thereafter A new greater T1
value is set to define the next interval etc.}
t : integer ; {the number of time instances elapsed since the beginning of
the interval described above}
T2 : integer ; {defines the interval for graphic display update, selected
small in the beginning but becomes larger in each linear
A1, A2 : real ; {the forgetting constant A1 keeps track of a(t) in A linear
segment, A2 is always 1-A1}
W0 : 0..iMax ; {initializing value for the kernel width}
w : 0..iMax ; {defines the topological neighborhood which is selected wide
in the beginning (with W0) and then it is let to shrink with
time Tk}
H1, h, V1, V : 0..iMax ; {indices for the kernel units}
i : 0..iMax ; j : 0..jMax ; {indices for vectors defined below}
M : array [0..iMax,0..jMax] of real ; {vector of input weights (memory)}
X : array [0..jMax] of real ; {vector of input signals}
N : array [0..iMax] of real ; {0.5*Squared norms of M-vectors used in the
short-cut computation of the best-matching
unit selection}
Y : array [0..iMax] of real ; {vector of output signals}
C : 0..iMax ; {index of best-matching unit}
MinY : real ; {MinY = y[c]}
DensityFunction : DensityFunctions ; {input vector density function}
procedure askDensityFunction ; {asks input vector density function}
var d : char ;
begin {ask input vector density function}
writeln ('Topology Preserving Mappings:') ;
writeln ('-linear topology') ;
writeln ('-input and weight vectors two-dimensional') ;
writeln ;
writeln ('Select density function') ;
DensityFunction := Square ;
writeln ('square s') ;
writeln ('triangle t') ;
writeln ('cross c') ;
writeln ('letter A a') ;
writeln ('letter K k') ;
write ('letter Y y:') ;
readln (d) ;
writeln ;
case d of
's' : DensityFunction := Square ;
't' : DensityFunction := triangle ;
'c' : DensityFunction := cross ;
'a' : DensityFunction := lettera ;
'k' : DensityFunction := letterk ;
'y' : DensityFunction := lettery ;
end ;
end ; {askDensityFunction}
procedure ReadInput ; {reads the vector of input signals}
inside : boolean ;
repeat {impose uniform density within the framed area}
inside := false ;
x[0] := random ;
x[1] := random ;
case DensityFunction of
Square : inside := true ;
triangle : if x[1] >= 2*abs(x[0] - 0.5) then inside := true ;
cross : if (abs (x[0] - 0.5) <= 1/4) or (abs (x[1] - 0.5) <= 1/4) then
inside := true ;
lettera : if ((x[1] - 5/16 <= 11/4 * abs (x[0] - 0.5)) and
(x[1] + 3/8 >= 11/4*abs(x[0] - 0.5))) or
((x[1] >= 7/16) and (x[1] <= 11/16) and
(x[1] - 5/16 >= 11/4*abs (x[0] - 0.5))) then inside := true ;
letterk : if (x[0] <= 2/8) or ((x[0] - 4/8 <= abs (x[1] - 0.5)) and
(x[1] >= 4/8)) or ((x[1] >= 21/64 - 21/16*abs(x[0]-0.5)))
then inside := true ;
end ;
until inside ;
end ; {ReadInput}
function max (x, Y : integer) : integer ;
begin {returns the maximum of the two integers}
if X >= Y then max := x
else max := Y ;
end ; {max}
function min (x, Y : integer) : integer ;
begin {returns the minimum of the two integers}
if X <= Y then min := x
else min := Y ;
end ; {min}
procedure DrawDistribution ; {draws the distribution of weight vectors:
linear array}
cl = white ;
xw = 320 ;
yw = 160 ;
x, y, xo, yo : integer ;
procedure DrawLine (i : integer) ;
begin {draw A line connecting two weight vectors}
xo := X ;
X := round ((xw div 2) * (m[i,0] + m[i+1,0])) ;
yo := Y ;
Y := round ((yw div 2) * (m[i,1] + m[i+1,1])) ;
draw (xo, yo, x, y, cl) ;
draw (x-1, y-1, x+1, y-1, cl) ;
draw (x-1, y, x+1, y, cl) ;
draw (x-1, y+1, x+1, y+1, cl) ;
end ; {DrawLine}
begin {DrawDistribution}
hires ;
{ graphbackground (black) ; }
case DensityFunction of {draw the corresponding frame}
Square : begin
draw (159, 19, 481, 19, cl) ;
draw (481, 19, 481, 181, cl) ;
draw (481, 181, 159, 181, cl) ;
draw (159, 181, 159, 19, cl) ;
end ;
triangle : begin
draw (159, 181, 481, 181, cl) ;
draw (159, 181, 320, 20, cl) ;
draw (481, 181, 320, 20, cl) ;
end ;
cross : begin
draw (159, 80, 280, 80, cl) ;
draw (280, 80, 280, 19, cl) ;
draw (280, 19, 360, 19, cl) ;
draw (360, 19, 360, 80, cl) ;
draw (360, 80, 481, 80, cl) ;
draw (481, 80, 481, 120, cl) ;
draw (481, 120, 360, 120, cl) ;
draw (360, 120, 360, 181, cl) ;
draw (360, 181, 280, 181, cl) ;
draw (280, 181, 280, 120, cl) ;
draw (280, 120, 159, 120, cl) ;
draw (159, 120, 159, 80, cl) ;
end ;
lettera : begin
draw (159, 181, 280, 19, cl) ;
draw (280, 19, 360, 19, cl) ;
draw (360, 19, 481, 181, cl) ;
draw (481, 181, 400, 181, cl) ;
draw (400, 181, 369, 130, cl) ;
draw (345, 90, 320, 50, cl) ;
draw (320, 50, 295, 90, cl) ;
draw (271, 130, 240, 181, cl) ;
draw (240, 181, 159, 181, cl) ;
draw (271, 130, 369, 130, cl) ;
draw (295, 90, 345, 90, cl) ;
end ;
letterk : begin
draw (159, 19, 159, 181, cl) ;
draw (240, 100, 400, 19, cl) ;
draw (240, 100, 400, 181, cl) ;
draw (320, 100, 481, 19, cl) ;
draw (320, 100, 481, 181, cl) ;
draw (159, 19, 240, 19, cl) ;
draw (400, 19, 481, 19, cl) ;
draw (159, 181, 240, 181, cl) ;
draw (400, 181, 481, 181, cl) ;
end ;
lettery : begin
draw (159, 19, 280, 100, cl) ;
draw (280, 100, 280, 181, cl) ;
draw (280, 181, 360, 181, cl) ;
draw (360, 181, 360, 100, cl) ;
draw (360, 100, 481, 19, cl) ;
draw (481, 19, 400, 19, cl) ;
draw (400, 19, 320, 75, cl) ;
draw (320, 75, 240, 19, cl) ;
draw (240, 19, 159, 19, cl) ;
end ;
end ;
graphwindow (160, 20, 480, 180) ;
write ('Step ') ;
write (Tk) ;
write (' Alpha ') ;
write (A1:1:3) ;
X := round (xw * M [0,0]) ;
Y := round (yw * M [0,1]) ; {initialize coordinates}
for i := 0 to iMax - 1 do {draw distribution: linear array}
DrawLine (i) ;
end ; {DrawDistribution}
begin {ToPreM1}
askDensityFunction ;
randomize ;
{initialize forgetting constant, kernel width and step counters}
A := A0 ;
A1 := A ;
W0 := iMax div 4 ;
T1 := 100 ;
T2 := 5 ;
t := 0 ;
Tk := 0 ;
{*** initialize the vector of input weights M[i] with random and compute
0.5 * the Squared norm of M[i] to be used in the computation of the
best-matching unit selection***}
for i := 0 to iMax do
N [i] := 0 ;
for j := 0 to jMax do
begin {adjust the width of the initial values for weights}
M [i, j] := (0.5 - g/2.0) + g*random ;
N [i] := N [i] + M [i, j] * M [i, j] ;
end ;
N [i] := N [i] / 2.0 ; {N is 0.5 * Squared norm of M}
end ; {memory vector initialization}
DrawDistribution ; {draw the initial distribution of weight vectors}
for t := 1 to T1 do
Tk := Tk + 1 ;
ReadInput ;
{*** the best-matching unit selection ***}
MinY := N [0] ; {initializing value for the best-matching unit}
for i := 0 to iMax do
begin {use Euclidean distance}
Y [i] := N [i] ;
for j := 0 to jMax do
Y [i] := Y [i] - M [i, j] * X [j] ;
if Y [i] <= MinY then
begin {update best-matching unit and index}
MinY := Y [i] ;
C := i ;
end ;
end ; {best-matching unit selection}
A1 := A * (1 - t/T1) ;
A2 := 1 - A1 ;
w := trunc (W0 * (1 - t/T1)) + 1 ; {update kernel width}
{*** update the vector of input weights M [i] inside the kernel =
LEARNING and compute 0.5 * the Squared norm of M [i] for the best
matching unit selection ***}
for i := max (0, c-w) to min (iMax, c+w) do
N [i] := 0 ;
for j := 0 to jMax do
M [i, j] := A1 * X [j] + A2 * M [i, j] ;
N [i] := N [i] + M [i, j] * M [i, j] ;
end ;
N [i] := N [i] / 2.0 ; {N is 0.5 * the Squared norm of M}
end ; {memory vector update}
if t mod T2 = 0 then DrawDistribution ;
end ;
A := 0.2 * A ;
W0 := 0 ;
T1 := 5 * T1 ;
T2 := 4 * T2 ; {values for the next linear segment}
until A = 0 ; { the process ends with A = 0}
{================== CUT HERE TO SEPARATE THE TWO PROGRAMS ================}
program ToPreM2 (output) ;
{ Demonstration program of Topology Preserving Mappings:
array topology two-dimensional, input and weight vectors two-dimensional
Copyright (c) Teuvo Kohonen, June 1987 }
iMax = 63 ; {number of units minus one in the array}
jMax = 1 ; {two-dimensional input and weight vectors}
side = 8 ; {side of array is square of iMax + 1}
A0 = 0.3 ; {initializing value for the forgetting constant}
G = 0.2 ; {adjusting parameter for the width of the initial value for the
DensityFunctions = (Square, triangle, cross) ;
{area options where input vectors will be uniformly distributed}
Tk : integer ; {number of time instances or steps elapsed since the
beginning of the process}
A : real ; {the alpha function a=a(Tk) is A piecewise linearly decreasing
function of Tk}
T1 : integer ; {T1 is the end of the initial time interval during which
a(Tk) decreases linearly ; thereafter A new greater T1
value is set to define the next interval etc.}
t : integer ; {the number of time instances elapsed since the beginning of
the interval described above}
T2 : integer ; {defines the interval for graphic display update, selected
small in the beginning but becomes larger in each linear
A1, A2 : real ; {the forgetting constant A1 keeps track of a(t) in A linear
segment, A2 is always 1-A1}
W0 : 0..side ; {initializing value for the kernel width}
w : 0..side ; {defines the topological neighborhood which is selected wide
in the beginning (with W0) and then it is let to shrink with
time Tk}
H1, h, V1, V : 0..side ; {indices for the kernel units}
i : 0..iMax ; j : 0..jMax ; {indices for vectors defined below}
M : array [0..iMax,0..jMax] of real ; {vector of input weights (memory)}
X : array [0..jMax] of real ; {vector of input signals}
N : array [0..iMax] of real ; {0.5*Squared norms of M-vectors used in the
short-cut computation of the best-matching
unit selection}
Y : array [0..iMax] of real ; {vector of output signals}
C : 0..iMax ; {index of best-matching unit}
MinY : real ; {MinY = y[c]}
DensityFunction : DensityFunctions ; {input vector density function}
procedure askDensityFunction ; {asks input vector density function}
var d : char ;
begin {ask input vector density function}
writeln ('Topology Preserving Mappings:') ;
writeln ('-array topology two-dimensional') ;
writeln ('-input and weight vectors two-dimensional') ;
writeln ;
writeln ('Select density function') ;
DensityFunction := Square ;
writeln ('square s') ;
writeln ('triangle t') ;
write ('cross c') ;
readln (d) ;
writeln ;
case d of
's' : DensityFunction := Square ;
't' : DensityFunction := triangle ;
'c' : DensityFunction := cross ;
end ;
end ; {askDensityFunction}
procedure ReadInput ; {reads the vector of input signals}
inside : boolean ;
repeat {impose uniform density within the framed area}
inside := false ;
x [0] := random ;
x [1] := random ;
case DensityFunction of
Square : inside := true ;
triangle : if x[1] >= 2*abs(x[0] - 0.5) then inside := true ;
cross : if (abs (x[0] - 0.5) <= 1/4) or (abs (x[1] - 0.5) <= 1/4) then
inside := true ;
end ;
until inside ;
end ; {ReadInput}
function max (x, Y : integer) : integer ;
begin {returns the maximum of the two integers}
if X >= Y then max := x
else max := Y ;
end ; {max}
function min (x, Y : integer) : integer ;
begin {returns the minimum of the two integers}
if X <= Y then min := x
else min := Y ;
end ; {min}
procedure DrawDistribution ; {draws the distribution of weight vectors:
linear array}
cl = white ;
xw = 320 ;
yw = 160 ;
x1, x2, y1, y2 : integer ;
procedure DrawLine (var x, y : integer ;
i, e : integer) ;
var xo, yo : integer;
begin {draw A line connecting two weight vectors}
xo := X ;
X := round ((xw div 2) * (m[i,0] + m[i+e,0])) ;
yo := Y ;
Y := round ((yw div 2) * (m[i,1] + m[i+e,1])) ;
draw (xo, yo, x, y, cl) ;
end ; {DrawLine}
begin {DrawDistribution}
hires ;
{ graphbackground (black) ; }
case DensityFunction of {draw the corresponding frame}
Square : begin
draw (159, 19, 481, 19, cl) ;
draw (481, 19, 481, 181, cl) ;
draw (481, 181, 159, 181, cl) ;
draw (159, 181, 159, 19, cl) ;
end ;
triangle : begin
draw (159, 181, 481, 181, cl) ;
draw (159, 181, 320, 20, cl) ;
draw (481, 181, 320, 20, cl) ;
end ;
cross : begin
draw (159, 95, 310, 19, cl) ;
draw (310, 95, 310, 19, cl) ;
draw (310, 19, 330, 19, cl) ;
draw (330, 19, 330, 95, cl) ;
draw (330, 95, 481, 95, cl) ;
draw (481, 95, 481, 105, cl) ;
draw (481, 105, 330, 105, cl) ;
draw (330, 105, 330, 181, cl) ;
draw (330, 181, 310, 181, cl) ;
draw (310, 181, 310, 105, cl) ;
draw (310, 105, 159, 105, cl) ;
draw (159, 105, 159, 95, cl) ;
end ;
end ;
graphwindow (160, 20, 480, 180) ;
write ('Step ') ;
write (Tk) ;
write (' Alpha ') ;
write (A1:1:3) ;
for h := 0 to side-1 do
begin {horizontal}
X1 := round (xw * M [h,0]) ;
Y1 := round (yw * M [h,1]) ; {initialize coordinates}
X2 := round (xw * M [side * H,0]) ;
Y2 := round (yw * M [side * H,1]) ;
drawline (x1, y1, h, side) ;
drawline (x2, y2, side * h, 1) ;
for V := 1 to side-2 do
begin {vertical}
drawline (x1, y1, side * v + h,0) ;
drawline (x1, y1, side * v + h,side) ;
drawline (x2, y2, side * h + v,0) ;
drawline (x2, y2, side * h + v,1) ;
end ;
drawline (x1, y1, side * (side-1) + h,0) ;
drawline (x2, y2, side * h + side - 1,0) ;
end ;
end ; {DrawDistribution}
begin {ToPreM1}
askDensityFunction ;
randomize ;
{initialize forgetting constant, kernel width and step counters}
A := A0 ;
A1 := A ;
W0 := side div 2 ;
T1 := 1000 ;
T2 := 10 ;
t := 0 ;
Tk := 0 ;
{*** initialize the vector of input weights M[i] with random and compute
0.5 * the Squared norm of M[i] to be used in the computation of the
best-matching unit selection***}
for i := 0 to iMax do
N [i] := 0 ;
for j := 0 to jMax do
begin {adjust the width of the initial values for weights}
M [i, j] := (0.5 - g/2.0) + g*random ;
N [i] := N [i] + M [i, j] * M [i, j] ;
end ;
N [i] := N [i] / 2.0 ; {N is 0.5 * Squared norm of M}
end ; {memory vector initialization}
DrawDistribution ; {draw the initial distribution of weight vectors}
for t := 1 to T1 do
Tk := Tk + 1 ;
ReadInput ;
{*** the best-matching unit selection ***}
MinY := N [0] ; {initializing value for the best-matching unit}
for i := 0 to iMax do
begin {use Euclidean distance}
Y [i] := N [i] ;
for j := 0 to jMax do
Y [i] := Y [i] - M [i, j] * X [j] ;
if Y [i] <= MinY then
begin {update best-matching unit and index}
MinY := Y [i] ;
C := i ;
end ;
end ; {best-matching unit selection}
A1 := A * (1 - t/T1) ;
A2 := 1 - A1 ;
H1 := C mod side ;
V1 := C div side ;
w := trunc (W0 * (1 - t/T1)) + 1 ; {update kernel width}
{*** update the vector of input weights M [i] inside the kernel =
LEARNING and compute 0.5 * the Squared norm of M [i] for the best
matching unit selection ***}
for h := max (0,h1-w) to min (side-1,h1+w) do
for V := max (0,V1-W) to min (side-1,V1+W) do
i := side * V + H ;
N [i] := 0 ;
for j := 0 to jMax do
M [i,j] := A1 * X [j] + A2 * M [i,j] ;
N [i] := N [i] + M [i,j] * M [i,j] ;
end ;
N [i] := N [i] / 2.0 ; {N is 0.5 * the squared norm of M}
end ; {memory vector update}
if t mod T2 = 0 then DrawDistribution ;
end ;
A := 0.2 * A ;
W0 := 0 ;
T1 := 5 * T1 ;
T2 := 5 * T2 ; {values for the next linear segment}
until A = 0 ; { the process ends with A = 0}